
SATURDAY 9/10 join Joe Craven and me at Dianda Vineyards in (wait for it….) Fiddletown! We’ll be celebrating National Barbera Day! Joe will be playing bongos (and fiddle).

At the time of its founding, placer mining was the most popular mining technique, which is heavily dependent on water. The local water source, Dry Creek, ran dry during the summer months, during which time the miners were said to be “fiddling around,” thus the name. Alternatively, the name was given because many of the early settlers from Missouri played
fiddles for entertainment.

Sunday 9/11 I’ll be making my solo debut on the patio at Pizzalina in San
. I’ve heard stellar first-hand reports on the food and scene. Tell your Bay Area compadres!

SF Chronicle:
Though such rustic Italian cuisine is widely available these days, I’ll never tire of it when it’s done as reliably as it is here, with daily specials that one evening featured roasted dorade on a bed of roasted fennel, draped in bright red lacings of sweet peperonata. The salumi platter changes frequently, from standards like sopressata, prosciutto, coppa and genoa, to the more unusual wild boar.


All from here for now!

Stay cool,
