Peter Wilson & John Girton @ The Union Home & Garden Show

Nevada County Fairgrounds 11228 McCourtney Road, Grass Valley, CA, United States

Join Peter Wilson & John Girton at the Nevada County Fairgrounds for The Union's Home and Garden Show. The show goes all day. We play from 11am to 2pm.

Peter Wilson @ Eureka! Cupertino

Eureka! Cupertino 19369 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Cupertino, CA, United States

Peter Wilson plays guitar and sings for diners at Eureka! Cupertino.

Peter Wilson & John Girton @ Auburn Central Square

Auburn Central Square 940-948 Lincoln Way, Auburn, CA, United States

Peter Wilson & John Girton play guitar and sing on the corner at Central Square in downtown Auburn, California.

Peter Wilson @ The Nevada County Fair

Nevada County Fairgrounds 11228 McCourtney Road, Grass Valley, CA, United States

Peter Wilson returns to the Nevada County Fair!

1000 Kisses Deep – The Songs of Leonard Cohen

Nevada Theatre 401 Broad Street, Nevada City, CA, United States

Friday & Saturday, November 8 & 9, 7:30pm Paul Emery presents A Thousand Kisses Deep: The Songs of Leonard Cohen, a reprise of his triumphant tribute to one of popular